by Fred Nicholson | Sep 30, 2021 | Fred Nicholson
Day 15 in the Woods*I told my close friend‘the new project is named93 Days in the Woods.’She asked “Why 93”?I replied,‘the title will make people ask that same question’.Later I thought,It’s a gimmick title. I don’t want that.Make it simple, not pre-destined.That’s...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 13, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 14 in the Woods*Angels share presentsthat may open our heartsand bring us peace of mindand make us swoon joy fully.I know first hand.An angel joined meat my dining room table,offering presence presents. I thank You Angel. f*I just witnessed two big shareswith body...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 13, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 13 in the Woods*At the trail head I look backto see if she is stilllooking at me.I turned and was told‘It’s not all aboutyou Fred’.*That reminds me.Looking back or forwardis the on going human illusion.Don’t ask me about that.You have the answers.That’s what...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 9, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 12 in the Woods* I thought this serieswas going to be morewalking and less talking, but here I am againhopin’ to go walkin’standin’ here talkin’. I wanna’ walk moreand think a lot less.I will let you knowwhen I stop again.* I stoppeda little wayinto the walk. I...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 9, 2021 | Fred Nicholson
Day 11 in the Woods*Seldom do I relatewith sexual natureswhen they have to do primarilywith more than mental fantasy.Ask why that is Fred.Why is that Fred?Why is that?When folks say, “I don’t know”, ‘make it up’I say, because memory is rehashedbits of always changing...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 9, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 10 in the Woods*i had been attemptingto delete a video storyfrom my Facebook feed,when it occurred to memy long-lived storymay be difficultto delete,for after a lengthy timea story may becomewho i believe i am.Are you living AND observingyour story or is it too...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 9, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 9 in the Woods*I’m not gonna lie, you hear?I’m sittin’ outside shadingunder the umbrella,in the garden.At this timeI reflect on the woods,without setting a foot in them.An excuse is speaking up.”There were other things needing to be acted...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 9, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 8 in the Woods*a theme I refer toa lot envelopslife & death.Stopping in the woods,seeing ferns growingfrom rotted stumpsbones enhancingthe forest floor,standing on dissolving bark, the changing trail.There is only separationwhen it comes to us humans.bees do...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 9, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 7 in the Woods*On the trailI’m walkingand thinkinga big bearappears.Stopbreathe and thinkeat mehug meno matterwhat, is isand feelingbody of mineis a trick of mind.*I’m walking alonglooking down.He pulls the trigger.The 50 cal. flies throughone ear...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 9, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 6 in the Woods*talk about rape, easy to thinknot to feel.*I saw her up the trail with her bellynesting new life uncovered,a sun brightened orb.She saw me,quickly pulled the shirt downto cover her connectionto life older thanhumanity.We passedwith niceties.I was...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 5 in the Woods* I wore a thin tee shirtin the early morning chill.There was a timeI’d turn around,“It’s too cold”.This day I walked slowly,breathing in and outwoodsy scents.“The chill?”, you ask.I can now feelpebbles on bootson soles heels toes,nhale xhale, in...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 4 in the Woods“I don’t get it!”“I don’t get it!”(Then try again.)For the first timeI stopped and lookedboth back and forwardWOW!I have never noticedthe length of this slope,after having been on the trailso many times before.I look up again thinking,‘Still half way...