by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 3 in the Woods
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 2 in the Woods
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories
Day 1 in the WoodsI was walking at a rapid pace,faster than ever before,leaping over rootson the trail.When I arrived back at the parking lotand pulled the pedometer out,I was overjoyed to seemy fastest timerecorded.That evening my knee began hurtingand the ice packs...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Fred Nicholson
a Coupla’ Couple QuestionsHow oftenwill you find both in the couplewilling to be present in rolesthat are uncomfortable,but will challengetheir habitualchoices?How oftenwill you find both in the couplewilling to be present in rolesthat are uncomfortableand alien...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Fredisms, Love is..., Spirit
may I suggestwe share more loveand less Covidf
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Fredisms, Spirit
In the End,no, just before the end we can hope for Heaven to be a new homeand Hell where others go.When still a child, I wonderedif broken bodies are reassembledbefore they arrive in those two places.f
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Where did the time go? the time my art and words spoke out loudthe time at home being afraid to breathethe time we climbed in the Austrian Alpsthe time I was high on opium in Vietnamthe time I masturbated with you in mindthe time Ellen saved me from drowningthe time I...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Fredisms, Spirit, Various Topics
MindIf our Western culture did not fearwhat we perceive as leavingour attachment to life,for the unknowndarkness,we’d be better off,knowing changeis constantlydeceivingMind,f
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Love is the Answer, Stories
Slow-lyLet’s start with a new word now.How about breathe cool inand exhale warm out.The word is ‘breathe’in and out slowly,a few times,and feel the airkeeping us herecoming and going,entering and leaving,constant motion,‘til death callsus home.f
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Love is the Answer, Stories
a DreamSome nights I have insightsinto color-full dreams.At the World Conferenceof non-human beingsI sat and watched pigs, bears, goats and hares robins, bees, crocs and fleashouse cats, spiders and batsbugs, shrews and kangarooschinchillas, sharks and gorillasants,...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Fredisms, Love is...
Mother LoveThere is no lovelike Mother loveWe come throughlive on, in and around HerMother Lovef
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories
See,the past is present,and we get what we got.Closing our eyes to institutional racismand the community ramifications of ithave rooted deeply in this cultureof ‘Believe the Non-Truths’ andlife is a bowl of cherries.When human families are separated and sold on the...