
See,the past is present,and we get what we got.Closing our eyes to institutional racismand the community ramifications of ithave rooted deeply in this cultureof ‘Believe the Non-Truths’ andlife is a bowl of cherries.When human families are separated and sold on the...

the United few

the United fewWe live on a land massnamed United by Europeans,who seized the land from othersthat had migrated and lived herefor many thousands of yearsbefore Europeans landed.The United few pushed Mexicansto south of the Rio Grandeand claimed the land.The United few...


THEMJobs used to go to the whitest,now they go to the brightest.U.S. employers aren’t stymiedby two oceans and borders,like they used to be.In a day, employers can post an openingand have the seat filled hours later,with a worker willing to workfor less than an...


Ancestrymy dad’s ancestral heritageis Black and Redmy mom’s ancestral heritageis White and White so my ancestral heritageis Black and Red and White.A few weeks ago I compliedto questions about my ancestry,necessary to get a lab’s test results.After getting the lab...

Lips to Ear

Lips to EarI was laying in the sunand just walked in,3 words in mind,People of ColorWhen I got to Home Depotto choose paint colorsfrom the Rust-oleumwhite paint choicesthey only had in stockwhite navaho white navy & almond. The whites I saw lined shelveswith 100’s...

True or False?

True or False?The Tulsa, OK.Black Wall Streethad to be destroyed.They created their own wealth,had built their own schoolsand their own banks,and prospered.The children in those schoolswere learning how to thrivewithout relying on whites.Can you Imagine the Master...

3 cops talking

3 cops talkingbehind the blue wallof silence, deciding on what to do next..Cop 1: Chauvin really fucked us bad.Cop 2: Yeah! Now the whole world has eyes on us.Cop 3: He coulda’ jus’ killed that niggah’ in the van, and not in front of all those phonesCop 2: Yeah!...

1 Picture’s worth

1 Picture’s worthBlack manex-convictdrug addictcaught passingcounterfeit billsin grocery storedies from an overdosewhen being questionedby the Minnesota policewould be the accepted storyif that young woman had not sharedthe video of Mr. Floyd being murdered by police...

Flesh Colours

Flesh Colours16, 24 and 64 Crayola Crayon colors have shared the same boxes,some since 1903,including the two colorsof black and white.Many N. American childrenhave used these colors.I was one. Were you?My fair question iswhen did Caucasiansbecome separate fromand...

a Shameful Apology

a Shameful ApologyCalifornia has just apologizedfor imprisoning the Japanese.Descendants of the prisonersspeak their Mother tongue,know their cultural history,and visit their homeland.Where is the American apologyto descendants of African slaves?When a people are...