a Dream

a DreamSome nights I have insightsinto color-full dreams.At the World Conferenceof non-human beingsI sat and watched pigs, bears, goats and hares robins, bees, crocs and fleashouse cats, spiders and batsbugs, shrews and kangarooschinchillas, sharks and gorillasants,...

Loving Change

Loving ChangeImagine this world,a Hummer’s nest size,in it’s current condition,nesting in your open palm.You may close your handand POOF, earth is no moreORchange what you see, with love.After your changes,how is earth different?We have Climate Change,so let us now...


SmileWhen I do something,confirmation from othersis a testament of my worth.Why is that?Is that the childneeding acceptance?Let’s follow the needfor the digital patson the screen.We get and give themin the form of heartsand thumbs galore.We compare the count,my heart...


Owning balanceis trusting here &noweven as mindneeds a beforeand an afterwardsto justify the wordthat creates all discordsince we newbies arrived.STORIESWe ditch heart truthand give mindthe reins.FEAR of feelingcloses a heart,,just like that.Ascend the word...

Vietnam 67-68

Vietnam 67-68Pulled the tail on Betty,our 175-SP CannonRode shotgunon ammo convoysBore a PRC-25 radiiofor the 2nd lieutenant to direct artillery, in supportof the untrusted ARVN troops.A recall of fading memories.Folks say“Thank you for your service”.I say“Thank you...

Choices we make.

Choices we make.[1]A few days agoI visited a friend.After giving me a massageand remedies for aches,I noted my wrinkly body parts.She said, ‘Fred, you’re old’.Fred stopped COLD.He had never been called old.She continued with her gifting.I returned home the next...

My vision

My visionif humans survivelong enoughon earth,color will not separate, one’s ethnicity won’t decidelife or death,a melting potof differencesmeld as lovingeach and everyspeck of lifeon earth.May it be so,an answeredliving prayer.f

Sittin’ back listenin’

Sittin’ back, listenin’One asked,If love was a color,what color would it be ?Others chimed in with answersBlue Tinge Polka Dot Rain Bow Brownish TurkishForest Velvet Green Blood Black Juicy PinkPucker Red Hairy Pale Yummy . . .”Hold it right there...


I LOVE YOU.Who am I?Who are You?There is no Uswithout earth air or water.Is our love an elemental mixagreeable to eye and heart?I LOVE YOU.Love is Life here now,in each moment , presence.We say“til death do us part,even as death returnsas life in the tilled...

I often say

I often say, ‘I don’t know what love is’. For sure, when there is love, there is beauty. Love can notbe contained. It naturally flowsthru appearance, an essence aliveand unbounded, unspoken and joyful.Am I happy to give you more,even after giving you a lot,without...

the Change

the ChangeChange is inevitable,even as it appearsto stand still.We are living in an amazing time of phenomenal change.It will determine the birth of a new humanity and deathof the one whose time has come.Seedlings upheave the resistant soil,before the fruit of their...

Please sing . . .

Please singindoors or out,the following tune,any way you want to,at the top of your lungs .OldI’m oldold as the mountainold as the seaold as the rivergoin’ be washin’ over meThere ain’t no startThere ain’t no endThere ain’t no comin’ back againI’m old as the...