by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories
the United fewWe live on a land massnamed United by Europeans,who seized the land from othersthat had migrated and lived herefor many thousands of yearsbefore Europeans landed.The United few pushed Mexicansto south of the Rio Grandeand claimed the land.The United few...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Love is the Answer, Stories
SmileWhen I do something,confirmation from othersis a testament of my worth.Why is that?Is that the childneeding acceptance?Let’s follow the needfor the digital patson the screen.We get and give themin the form of heartsand thumbs galore.We compare the count,my heart...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
108° FI amsittingoutsideslouchedunderneaththe umbrellathumbing awayas these thoughts come and move on.I am aware of the chest stomach area rising and lowering andsigns of heatin out aboutthe bodyis lovealivef
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Dumbed Downyou wanna join somethin’ ?forget all the wordsAudible and others,set aside thought.if your brow is furrowedand you’re out loudthinkin’ “How”?review lesson oneon how to clearmind webs.It is difficult for a culturedominated by thoughtto accept spiritedbody...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories
THEMJobs used to go to the whitest,now they go to the brightest.U.S. employers aren’t stymiedby two oceans and borders,like they used to be.In a day, employers can post an openingand have the seat filled hours later,with a worker willing to workfor less than an...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Ancestrymy dad’s ancestral heritageis Black and Redmy mom’s ancestral heritageis White and White so my ancestral heritageis Black and Red and White.A few weeks ago I compliedto questions about my ancestry,necessary to get a lab’s test results.After getting the lab...
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
a storySittin’ here in the shade on June 24thwatchin’ robinsland on the 8’ trellisin the cucumber planter,then swoop downon an unsuspectingvoyager heading home.f
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Love is the Answer, Stories
pleaseHow do you want it?Hard or soft?Soft please.Reach backand spread your cheeksBoth handsLube or no?Yes please.a fist fullcoconut oilforced slowly thru the sphincterdigit by digitMore please.f
by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Fred Nicholson
fading partsoddly enough,things will heat upjust before they blow up.the old fella is fast asleep.clouded hazy recallspepper him withbits of piecescomposedof fadingwordsf
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 22, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
meJus’ sayin’being present with beestrees (grounded andpapered), projectsnot related toan otherhuman is my wayto keep a distance,mental & physical,safe & soundbetween me & Ui wanna really feel,to just be me,no games,jus’ ME?who is...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 22, 2021 | Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories
Lips to EarI was laying in the sunand just walked in,3 words in mind,People of ColorWhen I got to Home Depotto choose paint colorsfrom the Rust-oleumwhite paint choicesthey only had in stockwhite navaho white navy & almond. The whites I saw lined shelveswith 100’s...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 22, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
She saidyou want to go out?He saidwhat do you mean?you know. go out.feeling freeto trustloveiswas and willalways be.He said,I feel love fadingas does lifebehindyearsof body mind . . .[CUT]Quit with the B.S.and pick upwhereHe said.He said,those words Go Outexhilarate...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 22, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories
words to the end.“You have to fight,to get aheadof others”I hearme versus youus versus themnow versus then.History fills volumes of what facts aremade of.Words.oddly enough,things will heat upjust before they blow up.the old fella is fast asleep.clouded hazy...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 22, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Love is the Answer, Stories
Owning balanceis trusting here &noweven as mindneeds a beforeand an afterwardsto justify the wordthat creates all discordsince we newbies arrived.STORIESWe ditch heart truthand give mindthe reins.FEAR of feelingcloses a heart,,just like that.Ascend the word...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 12, 2021 | Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories
‘I want my momma.’boy, you let me down,so I may or may not stopsuffocating you with my knee.the whole worldis at the gate knockin’ down walls to get a peakat the old black mancalling for his mommaon his next to last breath.f
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 12, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Love is the Answer, Stories, War Games
“Those Lyin’ Communists.”A big news story over the past few daysis how the Chinese Communist Partyis preventing Hong Kong citizens from memorialyzing the resultsof the Tiananmen Squaremurder of its citizens.In other words,the governmentis rewriting history,so future...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 12, 2021 | Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories
True or False?The Tulsa, OK.Black Wall Streethad to be destroyed.They created their own wealth,had built their own schoolsand their own banks,and prospered.The children in those schoolswere learning how to thrivewithout relying on whites.Can you Imagine the Master...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Spirit, Stories
Whatcha gonna do when HE comes for You?Beg to stay one more day?Cry crocodile tearsand have nothin more to say?Then you look up and seethe pale guy with afro hairlong finger like tentacles ebony breasts jutting outjust far enough to wetyour whistle and lipssuck and...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Kids and Grown Ups, Love is the Answer, Stories
Regrets? No. Be, Hear Now.This afternoon I sat,cried and wrote.In the late 80’s in Paris, I stayed with a friend.She invited me to have an authentic Frenchmeal being prepared by her grandmother.That memory just gave me a big smile,but that reflection didn’t bring...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
In the Middle East news,Israelis blame Hamas terroristsfor the damage to Gaza.Palestinians blame the occupation,for their need to resist.The Blame Game is wonby the side controlling the media.Regarding this matter,who controls our media,and why?f
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
From savage to quasi-citizen.Back in the early timesIndian choices were limitedto living on barren reserved landor to performing worldwidein the Wild West shows,killing themselvesover and overfor years.f
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
“This is now our land.”a group has no land,is prevented from landingon lands not called their land,is given land by land holders.the group says this land is “ours”from way back before recorded time,gives this land a new nameand then populates itwith their own.folks...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
Please help me here.Will someone knowledgeable please help me here.Today a BBC news reporter saidHamas and Israel are closeto waging all out war.Hamas has rocks and rockets that don’t appear to killmany Israelis. Israelis have jet planes, helicopters,tanks, artillery,...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Love is the Answer, Spirit, Stories
Choices we make.[1]A few days agoI visited a friend.After giving me a massageand remedies for aches,I noted my wrinkly body parts.She said, ‘Fred, you’re old’.Fred stopped COLD.He had never been called old.She continued with her gifting.I returned home the next...