by Fred Nicholson | Aug 8, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Kids and Grown Ups, Stories, War Games
Letting Go!We all have the stories.Here are 3 of minein a few words.*Kids too . . .Pieces strewn aboutwere just guys and dolls(other cultures have them)when our shells landedblowing the tenantsto smithereens,in Vietnam.*decades later I visited himin St. Vincent’s...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 12, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Love is the Answer, Stories, War Games
“Those Lyin’ Communists.”A big news story over the past few daysis how the Chinese Communist Partyis preventing Hong Kong citizens from memorialyzing the resultsof the Tiananmen Squaremurder of its citizens.In other words,the governmentis rewriting history,so future...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | Love is the Answer, Stories, War Games
Vietnam 67-68Pulled the tail on Betty,our 175-SP CannonRode shotgunon ammo convoysBore a PRC-25 radiiofor the 2nd lieutenant to direct artillery, in supportof the untrusted ARVN troops.A recall of fading memories.Folks say“Thank you for your service”.I say“Thank you...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
In the Middle East news,Israelis blame Hamas terroristsfor the damage to Gaza.Palestinians blame the occupation,for their need to resist.The Blame Game is wonby the side controlling the media.Regarding this matter,who controls our media,and why?f
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
From savage to quasi-citizen.Back in the early timesIndian choices were limitedto living on barren reserved landor to performing worldwidein the Wild West shows,killing themselvesover and overfor years.f
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
“This is now our land.”a group has no land,is prevented from landingon lands not called their land,is given land by land holders.the group says this land is “ours”from way back before recorded time,gives this land a new nameand then populates itwith their own.folks...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
Please help me here.Will someone knowledgeable please help me here.Today a BBC news reporter saidHamas and Israel are closeto waging all out war.Hamas has rocks and rockets that don’t appear to killmany Israelis. Israelis have jet planes, helicopters,tanks, artillery,...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | All Mixed Up, COVID, Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
An Interesting dream.Invent a pandemicCreate the antidoteIntroduce them bothSome will resist itOthers will take itYears have passed1/2 the world is deadWorld hunger ceasesLife continues as lifeWorkers still do work Controllers still controlSome leaders deceivedThey...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
3 cops talkingbehind the blue wallof silence, deciding on what to do next..Cop 1: Chauvin really fucked us bad.Cop 2: Yeah! Now the whole world has eyes on us.Cop 3: He coulda’ jus’ killed that niggah’ in the van, and not in front of all those phonesCop 2: Yeah!...
by Fred Nicholson | Jun 11, 2021 | Kids and Grown Ups, Stories, War Games
Home Life prepared me.Home life prepared me for my time in Vietnam.Pain out thereso stay in here,safe and sound.The belt whistles.I hear the screamsand taste the blood.I am inside herewith my popcornand many friends.Please give it your all,until your arm tires,like it...
by Fred Nicholson | Mar 28, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
The following 3 paragraphs are 3 of many in the Huffington Post (March 26th, 2021),article by David Moyer, about the Boulder, CO. mass murderer.PLEASE read them here OR the entire articleon today’s Huffington Post.After you read, I will mention why. 1]“He is charged...
by Fred Nicholson | Mar 5, 2021 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
THEM and USOur leaders talk about them and U.S.Who is the US included in their calculations?Is it the “US” that rolled a golden likeness of Donald Trump into a gathering today?Is it the “US” that are still getting murdered since the...
by Fred Nicholson | Jan 23, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
Fake News, for sure.Donald Trump has achieved morethan using the term ‘fake news’.For those that hear,he has uncloakedthe recorded historyof these U.S. of America.What’s a better termthan ‘fake news’,to shed lighton the self-deception,home of the brave,land of the...
by Fred Nicholson | Jan 23, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
Just thinking out loud.President elect Biden’s day,Wednesday, January 20thhas been curtailedby Covid 19and a possible, plannedtroop buildup to keepfolks away fromWashington.The threat of violencein each state capitolhas created fearin many of us.Celebrating a new...
by Fred Nicholson | Jan 23, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
Nowlet’s sitand watch.All I hear today (these 2 days after)the Capitol Bldg. raid is Trump did thisTrump caused thatTrump Trump TrumpGet rid of racist TrumpI hear it from Black folksI hear it from White folksI hear out from all the folksthat don’t support Mr....
by Fred Nicholson | Jan 23, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
Honestly, I am angry,but not surprisedby the Capitol Bldg.invasion by white folks.I cannot believemany people of colorliving in our demoncracy are shocked by the images.I am listening to NPRhosts and guests chatting,but not about the foundation of systemic N. American...
by Fred Nicholson | Jan 23, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
“Storm the White House.”NowI sit hereimagininghow our media,both left and rightwould be portraying 1000’s of Black protesterscrashing into the White House.Reviewing our North Americanracist history tells me there’d beBlack bodies strewn all over the...
by Fred Nicholson | Jan 22, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Love is the Answer, Stories, War Games
This day,Christmas DaydTrump has not signedthe new Pandemic Relief Bill.He is losing his center stagevocal, worshiping, aggrandizing,stroking his humongous ego, audience.He doesn’t want his worshipersto drop their allegiances,so he will hesitatinglysign the bill.He is...
by Fred Nicholson | Jan 22, 2021 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
an Out Loud ViewOctober 16. 2020Trump, Kurds, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, ISIS, Russia, Europe, the Middle East and the U.S. of A.The Kurds don’t own or control a recognized land mass. In 1925 Kurdistan was divided up between Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria. The Kurds...
by Fred Nicholson | Jul 3, 2020 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
a Happy Heart You know folks, I have left Vietnam but it has never left me. Imagine boys to men given guns to kill just because . . . I am 21 and want to feel what it feels liketo feel. * Four guns in our battery. Two 8 inches and Two 175’s. Our 175 mm gun is...
by Fred Nicholson | Jul 3, 2020 | All Mixed Up, Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
View Post a Secretly Recorded conversation.Donald: Bill, we gotta’ get past this mandemic.Bill: Pandemic, sir.Donald: How we gonna’ do it?Bill: Sir, the fastest way is through herd immunity.Donald: Herd what?Bill: Immunity! When more than enough people get sick, the...
by Fred Nicholson | Apr 27, 2020 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
Combat Snippets (revised) With time on their handsthey wait in the jungle. We fire day and nightto insure they die there.*The silent womanholds her little childon outstretched arms. The convoy passes,refusing to accepther dead offering.*I’m on guard dutyhigh and...
by Fred Nicholson | Mar 26, 2020 | All Mixed Up, Black and White, Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
the Feared questionis upon us.What is most important,profit or people? When our government steps into save its citizenry from death, shareholder corporate profitsmay suffer consequential loss.Do we support citizens or profit? With COVID-19 living in our homes these...
by Fred Nicholson | Mar 12, 2020 | Fred Nicholson, Stories, War Games
Let’s stop the war.No. Not out there.In here. a MYTH Life love sexunderstandingis what that is. a TRUTH you me us themutter soundsgiven meaning by conquerorsforcing their tonguesinto other people’s mouths. f