Webster’s defines story as the telling of a happening or connected series of happenings, whether true or fictitious.
I have my own definition. A story is any recollection/telling, mental or verbal, of an event. Even true stories are ‘made up’ because they are never related in the ‘moment to moment’ experience. 5 people will relate an event from their own perspective.
My stories are all made up, just as yours are. We create, accept and choose to believe them as truth or not.
My stories follow.
Day 15 in the Woods
Day 15 in the Woods*I told my close friend‘the new project is named93 Days in the Woods.’She asked “Why 93”?I replied,‘the title will make people ask that same question’.Later I thought,It’s a gimmick title. I don’t want that.Make it simple, not pre-destined.That’s...
Day 14 in the Woods
Day 14 in the Woods*Angels share presentsthat may open our heartsand bring us peace of mindand make us swoon joy fully.I know first hand.An angel joined meat my dining room table,offering presence presents. I thank You Angel. f*I just witnessed two big shareswith body...
Day 13 in the Woods
Day 13 in the Woods*At the trail head I look backto see if she is stilllooking at me.I turned and was told‘It’s not all aboutyou Fred’.*That reminds me.Looking back or forwardis the on going human illusion.Don’t ask me about that.You have the answers.That’s what I'm...
Day 12 in the Woods
Day 12 in the Woods* I thought this serieswas going to be morewalking and less talking, but here I am againhopin’ to go walkin’standin’ here talkin’. I wanna’ walk moreand think a lot less.I will let you knowwhen I stop again.* I stoppeda little wayinto the walk. I...
Day 11 in the Woods
Day 11 in the Woods*Seldom do I relatewith sexual natureswhen they have to do primarilywith more than mental fantasy.Ask why that is Fred.Why is that Fred?Why is that?When folks say, “I don’t know”, ‘make it up’I say, because memory is rehashedbits of always changing...
Day 10 in the Woods
Day 10 in the Woods*i had been attemptingto delete a video storyfrom my Facebook feed,when it occurred to memy long-lived storymay be difficultto delete,for after a lengthy timea story may becomewho i believe i am.Are you living AND observingyour story or is it too...
Day 9 in the Woods
Day 9 in the Woods*I'm not gonna lie, you hear?I'm sittin' outside shadingunder the umbrella,in the garden.At this timeI reflect on the woods,without setting a foot in them.An excuse is speaking up."There were other things needing to be acted upon, before any trail...
Day 8 in the Woods
Day 8 in the Woods*a theme I refer toa lot envelopslife & death.Stopping in the woods,seeing ferns growingfrom rotted stumpsbones enhancingthe forest floor,standing on dissolving bark, the changing trail.There is only separationwhen it comes to us humans.bees do...
Day 7 in the Woods
Day 7 in the Woods*On the trailI'm walkingand thinkinga big bearappears.Stopbreathe and thinkeat mehug meno matterwhat, is isand feelingbody of mineis a trick of mind.*I’m walking alonglooking down.He pulls the trigger.The 50 cal. flies throughone ear obliterating the...
Day 6 in the Woods
Day 6 in the Woods*talk about rape, easy to thinknot to feel.*I saw her up the trail with her bellynesting new life uncovered,a sun brightened orb.She saw me,quickly pulled the shirt downto cover her connectionto life older thanhumanity.We passedwith niceties.I was...
Day 5 in the Woods
Day 5 in the Woods* I wore a thin tee shirtin the early morning chill.There was a timeI’d turn around,“It’s too cold”.This day I walked slowly,breathing in and outwoodsy scents.“The chill?”, you ask.I can now feelpebbles on bootson soles heels toes,nhale xhale, in...
Day 4 in the Woods
Day 4 in the Woods“I don’t get it!”“I don’t get it!”(Then try again.)For the first timeI stopped and lookedboth back and forwardWOW!I have never noticedthe length of this slope,after having been on the trailso many times before.I look up again thinking,‘Still half way...
Day 3 in the Woods
Day 3 in the Woods
Day 2 in the Woods
Day 2 in the Woods
Day 1 in the Woods
Day 1 in the WoodsI was walking at a rapid pace,faster than ever before,leaping over rootson the trail.When I arrived back at the parking lotand pulled the pedometer out,I was overjoyed to seemy fastest timerecorded.That evening my knee began hurtingand the ice packs...
a Coupla’ Couple Questions
a Coupla' Couple QuestionsHow oftenwill you find both in the couplewilling to be present in rolesthat are uncomfortable,but will challengetheir habitualchoices?How oftenwill you find both in the couplewilling to be present in rolesthat are uncomfortableand alien to...
Where did the time go?
Where did the time go? the time my art and words spoke out loudthe time at home being afraid to breathethe time we climbed in the Austrian Alpsthe time I was high on opium in Vietnamthe time I masturbated with you in mindthe time Ellen saved me from drowningthe time I...
Slow-lyLet’s start with a new word now.How about breathe cool inand exhale warm out.The word is ‘breathe'in and out slowly,a few times,and feel the airkeeping us herecoming and going,entering and leaving,constant motion,‘til death callsus home.f
a Dream
a DreamSome nights I have insightsinto color-full dreams.At the World Conferenceof non-human beingsI sat and watched pigs, bears, goats and hares robins, bees, crocs and fleashouse cats, spiders and batsbugs, shrews and kangarooschinchillas, sharks and gorillasants,...
See,the past is present,and we get what we got.Closing our eyes to institutional racismand the community ramifications of ithave rooted deeply in this cultureof ‘Believe the Non-Truths’ andlife is a bowl of cherries.When human families are separated and sold on the...
a Few Words from the Neighbors
a Few Words from the Neighbors“I don’t want my child feeling guiltybecause a colored race theoryfeeds her lies about slavery.”“Every one else comes here and makes it all work out.They want a hand out.”“Slavery was back in the 1800’s,but then they were all freed,so...
Loving Change
Loving ChangeImagine this world,a Hummer’s nest size,in it’s current condition,nesting in your open palm.You may close your handand POOF, earth is no moreORchange what you see, with love.After your changes,how is earth different?We have Climate Change,so let us now...
Letting Go!
Letting Go!We all have the stories.Here are 3 of minein a few words.*Kids too . . .Pieces strewn aboutwere just guys and dolls(other cultures have them)when our shells landedblowing the tenantsto smithereens,in Vietnam.*decades later I visited himin St. Vincent’s...
Day 4 in the Woods
Day 4 in the Woods“I don’t get it!”“I don’t get it!"(Then try again.)For the first timeI stoppedlookedback and forwardWOW!I have never noticedthe length of this slope,after having been on the trailso many times before.I look up againthinking‘Still half way to go,and I...
the United few
the United fewWe live on a land massnamed United by Europeans,who seized the land from othersthat had migrated and lived herefor many thousands of yearsbefore Europeans landed.The United few pushed Mexicansto south of the Rio Grandeand claimed the land.The United few...
SmileWhen I do something,confirmation from othersis a testament of my worth.Why is that?Is that the childneeding acceptance?Let’s follow the needfor the digital patson the screen.We get and give themin the form of heartsand thumbs galore.We compare the count,my heart...
108 degree F
108° FI amsittingoutsideslouchedunderneaththe umbrellathumbing awayas these thoughts come and move on.I am aware of the chest stomach area rising and lowering andsigns of heatin out aboutthe bodyis lovealivef
Dumbed Down
Dumbed Downyou wanna join somethin’ ?forget all the wordsAudible and others,set aside thought.if your brow is furrowedand you’re out loudthinkin’ “How”?review lesson oneon how to clearmind webs.It is difficult for a culturedominated by thoughtto accept spiritedbody...
THEMJobs used to go to the whitest,now they go to the brightest.U.S. employers aren’t stymiedby two oceans and borders,like they used to be.In a day, employers can post an openingand have the seat filled hours later,with a worker willing to workfor less than an...
Ancestrymy dad’s ancestral heritageis Black and Redmy mom’s ancestral heritageis White and White so my ancestral heritageis Black and Red and White.A few weeks ago I compliedto questions about my ancestry,necessary to get a lab’s test results.After getting the lab...
a story
a storySittin’ here in the shade on June 24thwatchin’ robinsland on the 8’ trellisin the cucumber planter,then swoop downon an unsuspectingvoyager heading home.f
pleaseHow do you want it?Hard or soft?Soft please.Reach backand spread your cheeksBoth handsLube or no?Yes please.a fist fullcoconut oilforced slowly thru the sphincterdigit by digitMore please.f
fading parts
fading partsoddly enough,things will heat upjust before they blow up.the old fella is fast asleep.clouded hazy recallspepper him withbits of piecescomposedof fadingwordsf
meJus’ sayin’being present with beestrees (grounded andpapered), projectsnot related toan otherhuman is my wayto keep a distance,mental & physical,safe & soundbetween me & Ui wanna really feel,to just be me,no games,jus’ ME?who is ME?f
Lips to Ear
Lips to EarI was laying in the sunand just walked in,3 words in mind,People of ColorWhen I got to Home Depotto choose paint colorsfrom the Rust-oleumwhite paint choicesthey only had in stockwhite navaho white navy & almond. The whites I saw lined shelveswith 100’s...
Enough said.
She saidyou want to go out?He saidwhat do you mean?you know. go out.feeling freeto trustloveiswas and willalways be.He said,I feel love fadingas does lifebehindyearsof body mind . . .[CUT]Quit with the B.S.and pick upwhereHe said.He said,those words Go Outexhilarate...
words to the end.
words to the end.“You have to fight,to get aheadof others”I hearme versus youus versus themnow versus then.History fills volumes of what facts aremade of.Words.oddly enough,things will heat upjust before they blow up.the old fella is fast asleep.clouded hazy...
Owning balanceis trusting here &noweven as mindneeds a beforeand an afterwardsto justify the wordthat creates all discordsince we newbies arrived.STORIESWe ditch heart truthand give mindthe reins.FEAR of feelingcloses a heart,,just like that.Ascend the word...
‘I want my momma.’
'I want my momma.'boy, you let me down,so I may or may not stopsuffocating you with my knee.the whole worldis at the gate knockin' down walls to get a peakat the old black mancalling for his mommaon his next to last breath.f
“Those lyin’ Communists.”
“Those Lyin’ Communists.”A big news story over the past few daysis how the Chinese Communist Partyis preventing Hong Kong citizens from memorialyzing the resultsof the Tiananmen Squaremurder of its citizens.In other words,the governmentis rewriting history,so future...
True or False?
True or False?The Tulsa, OK.Black Wall Streethad to be destroyed.They created their own wealth,had built their own schoolsand their own banks,and prospered.The children in those schoolswere learning how to thrivewithout relying on whites.Can you Imagine the Master...
Whatcha gonna do . . .
Whatcha gonna do when HE comes for You?Beg to stay one more day?Cry crocodile tearsand have nothin more to say?Then you look up and seethe pale guy with afro hairlong finger like tentacles ebony breasts jutting outjust far enough to wetyour whistle and lipssuck and...
Vietnam 67-68
Vietnam 67-68Pulled the tail on Betty,our 175-SP CannonRode shotgunon ammo convoysBore a PRC-25 radiiofor the 2nd lieutenant to direct artillery, in supportof the untrusted ARVN troops.A recall of fading memories.Folks say“Thank you for your service”.I say“Thank you...
Regrets? No.
Regrets? No. Be, Hear Now.This afternoon I sat,cried and wrote.In the late 80’s in Paris, I stayed with a friend.She invited me to have an authentic Frenchmeal being prepared by her grandmother.That memory just gave me a big smile,but that reflection didn’t bring...
In the Middle East news,
In the Middle East news,Israelis blame Hamas terroristsfor the damage to Gaza.Palestinians blame the occupation,for their need to resist.The Blame Game is wonby the side controlling the media.Regarding this matter,who controls our media,and why?f
From savage to quasi-citizen.
From savage to quasi-citizen.Back in the early timesIndian choices were limitedto living on barren reserved landor to performing worldwidein the Wild West shows,killing themselvesover and overfor years.f
“This is now our land.”
“This is now our land.”a group has no land,is prevented from landingon lands not called their land,is given land by land holders.the group says this land is “ours”from way back before recorded time,gives this land a new nameand then populates itwith their own.folks...
Please help me here.
Please help me here.Will someone knowledgeable please help me here.Today a BBC news reporter saidHamas and Israel are closeto waging all out war.Hamas has rocks and rockets that don’t appear to killmany Israelis. Israelis have jet planes, helicopters,tanks, artillery,...
Choices we make.
Choices we make.[1]A few days agoI visited a friend.After giving me a massageand remedies for aches,I noted my wrinkly body parts.She said, ‘Fred, you’re old’.Fred stopped COLD.He had never been called old.She continued with her gifting.I returned home the next...
An interesting dream.
An Interesting dream.Invent a pandemicCreate the antidoteIntroduce them bothSome will resist itOthers will take itYears have passed1/2 the world is deadWorld hunger ceasesLife continues as lifeWorkers still do work Controllers still controlSome leaders deceivedThey...
Motherwe enter this realmthrough our Mothers,therefore we must bemale and female,part Mother.We know Mother Nature.If Mother is naturewe are also.Right?The question then arises,'Why are we natureskilling ourselves'?f
Who are you waiting for?
Who are you waiting for?Some bigger than nowSon or Daughter to returnand lead you away from here?Look in the mirror.What you seeis not whoyou are.Who I Amis each breathalive and brand new.A flower seed buds,opens and returns home.All life, you and me, are flowers.Let...
They say,
They say,‘We use Social Security benefits, V.A. benefits, SNAP food benefits, UI (Unemployment Insurance), Medicaid benefits, State Lottery benefits, FHA Loans,CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program), COVID-19 Unemployment Benefits, The National Do Not Call...
My vision
My visionif humans survivelong enoughon earth,color will not separate, one’s ethnicity won’t decidelife or death,a melting potof differencesmeld as lovingeach and everyspeck of lifeon earth.May it be so,an answeredliving prayer.f
3 cops talking
3 cops talkingbehind the blue wallof silence, deciding on what to do next..Cop 1: Chauvin really fucked us bad.Cop 2: Yeah! Now the whole world has eyes on us.Cop 3: He coulda’ jus’ killed that niggah' in the van, and not in front of all those phonesCop 2: Yeah! It’s...
Black people die in so many ways.
Black people die in so many ways.Only the newly arrived slaveshad customs, family, a home life.Each new generation of slavehad the life beat out of them.There wasn't much hate for blackbeasts of burden in the early days.They served this country and Europewith goods...
My Mind?
My Mind?What's on your mindis stopping memore oftenlately.the FB question,What's on your mind?has me thinking out loud.We are so possessive(us little man Gods)in the Garden of Eden.When did mind become mine?No union is found in mine.We love our stories,rooted in...
Home Life prepared me.
Home Life prepared me.Home life prepared me for my time in Vietnam.Pain out thereso stay in here,safe and sound.The belt whistles.I hear the screamsand taste the blood.I am inside herewith my popcornand many friends.Please give it your all,until your arm tires,like it...
Sittin’ back listenin’
Sittin' back, listenin'One asked,If love was a color,what color would it be ?Others chimed in with answersBlue Tinge Polka Dot Rain Bow Brownish TurkishForest Velvet Green Blood Black Juicy PinkPucker Red Hairy Pale Yummy . . ."Hold it right there Buddy.VELVET is not...
White Green Heart Love.
White Green Heart love.These many decades after Viet NamI know killing and dying will happenin black, brown & red communities,because whites control the drugsand guns and banks and decidewho can live when and where.When you cannot vent your rageat the police...
1 Picture’s worth
1 Picture’s worthBlack manex-convictdrug addictcaught passingcounterfeit billsin grocery storedies from an overdosewhen being questionedby the Minnesota policewould be the accepted storyif that young woman had not sharedthe video of Mr. Floyd being murdered by police...
Spirit =’s God =’s Love
Spirit =‘s God =‘s Loveand man-made lawsdon’t include us all.Know that resistance to equal rights for us all,is openly sitting on this land’s highest court.400+ years of oppression only pertains to transplantsfrom the African slave horror stories.The folks we...
I LOVE YOU.Who am I?Who are You?There is no Uswithout earth air or water.Is our love an elemental mixagreeable to eye and heart?I LOVE YOU.Love is Life here now,in each moment , presence.We say“til death do us part,even as death returnsas life in the tilled...
Love, the nameless name.
Love, the nameless name.Love is beyond knowingor thinking anythingwe come up with.Love is a teardrop on a jungle leaf.Pandamic, mandamic or call it what you wil.Love is just love.Love is beers jeers joy,a life where mind is a side dish,beyond place,nameless,Lovef
Murder of a Police Officer!
The following 3 paragraphs are 3 of many in the Huffington Post (March 26th, 2021),article by David Moyer, about the Boulder, CO. mass murderer.PLEASE read them here OR the entire articleon today’s Huffington Post.After you read, I will mention why. 1]“He is charged...
the accepted ‘One Drop’ rule.
the accepted ‘One Drop’ rule.At Urgent Care this morning,the front desk attendant asks,‘Are you hispanic?’No.'What is your heritage?’White, Black and Red, I say.The attendant looks puzzledI say,My mom is Austrian-Polish Jewish..My dad is African American,Cherokee and...
Spirit =’s God =’s Love
Spirit =‘s God =‘s Loveand man-made lawsdon’t include all.See that resistance to equalrights for us all, is openly sittingon this land’s highest Supreme Court.400+ years of oppressiononly pertains to transplantsduring the African slave horror.The folks we confidently...
THEM and USOur leaders talk about them and U.S.Who is the US included in their calculations?Is it the "US" that rolled a golden likeness of Donald Trump into a gathering today?Is it the "US" that are still getting murdered since the Emancipation Proclamation?Is it the...
Word Blossoms
Word BlossomsWe never know howwords may touch another heart.A few years ago my friendshared a few wordsfor me to ponder.They have rootedwhen least expectedand blossomed beautifully.f
Are your eyes open?
Are your eyes open?When we turn our backs on truth,facing the truth can set us free.American reality revolvesaround black and white.How often do we hearbrown yellow red peoplementioned in a newscast ?How often are the wordsblack and white used,referring to peoplein...
As a fact, in the mid 1500’s
As a fact, in the mid 1500’sthe term ‘white’ was reservedfor wealthy Caucasian English women that avoided sunlight.All cultures have status symbols.In my travels I have observedlong fingernails on men say“I am a leisure class member, and don’t do menial...
Flesh Colours
Flesh Colours16, 24 and 64 Crayola Crayon colors have shared the same boxes,some since 1903,including the two colorsof black and white.Many N. American childrenhave used these colors.I was one. Were you?My fair question iswhen did Caucasiansbecome separate fromand...
I often say
I often say, ‘I don’t know what love is’. For sure, when there is love, there is beauty. Love can notbe contained. It naturally flowsthru appearance, an essence aliveand unbounded, unspoken and joyful.Am I happy to give you more,even after giving you a lot,without...
My Pandemic Year
My Pandemic Year Låst March I was in the process of prepping the garden, which I do every year. I don't party or socialize a lot, so the pandemic meant I'd have to stay in more often.My interests can be seen in the art and writings that come through me. I am an...
a Shameful Apology
a Shameful ApologyCalifornia has just apologizedfor imprisoning the Japanese.Descendants of the prisonersspeak their Mother tongue,know their cultural history,and visit their homeland.Where is the American apologyto descendants of African slaves?When a people are...
Life & Death Tools
Life & Death ToolsIn 2019 the U.S. military expenditure was $718 Billion.the Chinese military spent $261 Billion.the Russian military spent $65 Billion.the Indian military spent $71Billion.the Saudi military spent $61Billion..the French spent $50 Billion.Germany...
a Major Realization.
a Major realization.This pandemic is instrumental in moving me to share virtually with others on Zoom,with only a screen separating us.My usual way of communicating has been through characters on stage, my photographs and collage art, woodsculptures and writings. Just...
the Vessel.
it holds a life timeof slowly fadingbits of pieces,the vesselnamedFred.f
Fake News, for sure.
Fake News, for sure.Donald Trump has achieved morethan using the term ‘fake news’.For those that hear,he has uncloakedthe recorded historyof these U.S. of America.What’s a better termthan ‘fake news’,to shed lighton the self-deception,home of the brave,land of the...
just thinking Out Loud.
Just thinking out loud.President elect Biden’s day,Wednesday, January 20thhas been curtailedby Covid 19and a possible, plannedtroop buildup to keepfolks away fromWashington.The threat of violencein each state capitolhas created fearin many of us.Celebrating a new...
“We Americans.”
“We Americans.”Europeans say “I am . . . “Portuguese American”,Norwegian American”,Hungarian American”,Rumanian American”,Ukrainian American”,Albanian American”,Swedish American,Austrian American”,Belgium American”German American”Bosnian American”,Spanish...
the Change
the ChangeChange is inevitable,even as it appearsto stand still.We are living in an amazing time of phenomenal change.It will determine the birth of a new humanity and deathof the one whose time has come.Seedlings upheave the resistant soil,before the fruit of their...
a New Way of Seeing.
a New Way of Seeing.Change is constant,and fear of losscannot stopit.manhumanwomanmalefemalemenwomenMan Male Menmay resist change,but fear cannot stop it.fJanuary 12, 2021
ChangeI change the worldby changing my self,quickly or slowlyone breathat a time.Try itnow.fJanuary 12, 2021
Let Go
Let goLet GodLet a lifeof lovingbe the wayof Now living.*It just appeared,so I decidedto share ithere &now.fJanuary 11, 2021
Please sing . . .
Please singindoors or out,the following tune,any way you want to,at the top of your lungs .OldI’m oldold as the mountainold as the seaold as the rivergoin’ be washin’ over meThere ain’t no startThere ain’t no endThere ain’t no comin' back againI’m old as the...
hey You,
hey You,ain’t lifejust fullof life ? fJanuary 9, 2021
Now, let’s sit and watch.
Nowlet’s sitand watch.All I hear today (these 2 days after)the Capitol Bldg. raid is Trump did thisTrump caused thatTrump Trump TrumpGet rid of racist TrumpI hear it from Black folksI hear it from White folksI hear out from all the folksthat don't support Mr. Trump.It...
Honestly, I am angry,but not surprisedby the Capitol Bldg.invasion by white folks.I cannot believemany people of colorliving in our demoncracy are shocked by the images.I am listening to NPRhosts and guests chatting,but not about the foundation of systemic N. American...
“Storm the White House.”
"Storm the White House."NowI sit hereimagininghow our media,both left and rightwould be portraying 1000’s of Black protesterscrashing into the White House.Reviewing our North Americanracist history tells me there’d beBlack bodies strewn all over the W.H.grounds, with...
the Visitor
the VisitorThere is comfortin knowingthat my TOD documentis now up to dateand signed.[What’s the hurry?]My very next visitormay be Covid-19.TOD, Transfer on Death.fJanuary 2, 2021
I Need Your Love.
I Need Your Love.Brothers Love ?Mothers Love ?Fathers Love ?Sisters Love ?Others Love ?No Dear One,Your Love in herein life in deathin joy in tearsin here thereeverywherewith love,all lovein love.fJanuary 1, 2021
a Rambling Ramble
This day,Christmas DaydTrump has not signedthe new Pandemic Relief Bill.He is losing his center stagevocal, worshiping, aggrandizing,stroking his humongous ego, audience.He doesn’t want his worshipersto drop their allegiances,so he will hesitatinglysign the bill.He is...
Pleasure Pain Life & Love
Pleasure PainLife & LoveWe seek the oneAvoid the otherGo, look in the mirror. How did you arrive?Mother feels painthen pleasurewith new lifein her armsheld close.a seed bursts fortha baby pushes outa miracle of lifea spirit of loveDo not seek pleasureDo not avoid...
the Peacock and the Partridge.
the Peacock and the Partridge.two birds with feathers,but not of a feather. one struts about squawking,displaying its brilliant plumage.the other is served on a platter,with its plumage says ‘look at mebut do not touch’the other says ‘be nourishedby my...
just maybe
just maybegrass, flowers, treeshornets and beesfires, birth, lifeand passingwere herebeforeandwill behere afterthoughts andwords and lovewill carry on without being recordedby any animal speciesjust maybefDecember 22, 20209
Privilege! I also know privilegein a world of lightskin is best skinBUTnot light enough skin means I am still tailedby workers at Walmartand at Home Depot,regardless of the manyvisits and cash spent there.All that to sayprivilege is not onlyreserved for white...
The 4 S’s
The 4 S’sStupidity & SelfishnessSagacity & SelflessnessA] Stupidity; behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgement.B] Sagacity; acuteness of mental acuity and soundness of judgementC] Selfishness; concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself OR...
Giving thanks.
Giving thanks.I wish you allthe joy this day can really bring,when I am thankfulthat each breath is lifeconnecting me with love.fNovember 26, 2020
It takes 2 to Tango.
It takes 2 to Tango.Some dancers movein smooth syncopation.Some dancers moveas two, and not as one.Some dancers movein fear across the floor.Most dancers are ableto improve with guidance.Regrettably, we may preferto stay in safe havenswith others like...